Locus Health Launches at University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital


The Locus Health tablet platform is now being utilized by families of high-risk shunt-dependent pediatric cardiology patients at University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. Prior to leaving the hospital, families now receive a tablet equipped with the Locus Health platform.

Iowa City, IA — September 24, 2019 

The Locus Health app is a remote monitoring system that connects families and health care providers, allowing them to share vital health information in real-time. The Locus platform utilizes iPads and iPhones and replaces bulky binders that have traditionally been used to track children’s vitals like weight, heart rate, and oxygen levels.

The collaboration between Locus Health and UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital will provide for a more seamless transition to home for these high-risk pediatric cardiology patients and their families and allow for improved data collection methods for families.

“Home is the best place for children to get well. With the Locus Health platform, parents are now able to monitor their children’s vital signs electronically at home and share that info with the hospital. We are so pleased to bring this innovative telehealth technology to UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital,” says Lindsey Koshansky, RN, Vice President of Clinical Innovation, Locus Health. 

Locus Health is now being used at more than twenty Children’s Hospitals across the U.S. and Canada and it can reduce the number of follow-up ER visits for children treated for heart defects by as much as 40 percent.

Locus is able to leverage providers’ existing workflows, enabling care teams to efficiently manage data collected on large groups of patients, while allowing clinicians to spend more time helping their patients, instead of collecting information.

“By empowering parents and pediatric professionals with state-of-the-art telehealth technology, we can improve care for children and bring peace-of-mind to their parents, while also increasing hospital efficiency. We look forward to growing the Locus Health program at UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital,” said Kirby Farrell, CEO of Locus Health. 


UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital has been dedicated to meeting the health care needs of children and families since 1919. As Iowa’s only comprehensive children’s hospital, we provide care for children from birth to young adulthood. Services range from promoting wellness to the care of general childhood illness, surgery, traumatic injuries, life-threatening and chronic illnesses, and developmental disabilities. As part of an academic medical center, UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital also performs groundbreaking research to help solve the mysteries of childhood diseases, in addition to training the next generation of health care professionals.


Locus Health provides a tailored remote monitoring and engagement platform that creates a meaningful connection between patients and their clinical care teams. We partner with health systems from initial consultation to implementation and deployment, making the promise of pediatric care management at home an affordable reality.


Brian Byrnes

Agency Byrnes Communications


Photo credit: UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital

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